The Sacrament of Confirmation is administered at St. Francis in the eighth grade, after completing the Parish’s preparation program. Students entering eighth grade and have been receiving regular religious formation, either in a Catholic school or Religious Education (CCD), are eligible to enroll for Confirmation Instruction.
– Sponsor Certificates for Confirmation: Church law requires that a Confirmation sponsor be a practicing Catholic, at least 16 years of age, fully initiated (received all his/her sacraments) and registered and practicing his/her faith in their local parish. Anyone wishing a sponsor certificate from St. Francis Parish must also meet these requirements.
Adults considering becoming Catholic or adult Catholics who wish to receive all their sacraments may contact our Parish Office at 203-227-1341 to learn about the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) program. Contact Pam Franco Mancinelli for more information and click the Adult Education/RCIA link below..
"The prophets of the Old Testament foretold that God's Spirit would rest upon the Messiah to sustain his mission. Their prophecy was fulfilled when Jesus the Messiah was conceived by the Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. The Holy Spirit descended on Jesus on the occasion of his baptism by John. Jesus' entire mission occurred in communion with the Spirit. Before he died, Jesus promised that the Spirit would be given to the Apostles and to the entire Church. After his death, he was raised by the Father in the power of the Spirit.
Confirmation deepens our baptismal life that calls us to be missionary witnesses of Jesus Christ in our families, neighborhoods, society, and the world. . . . We receive the message of faith in a deeper and more intensive manner with great emphasis given to the person of Jesus Christ, who asked the Father to give the Holy Spirit to the Church for building up the community in loving service."